How To Attract Others to Your Proposition

  • Plan

    Get all of your pieces together before you begin the process of attracting the ideal client to your Proposition.

  • Invest

    Take into account the costs to yourself and make sure you plan for travel, production, printing, AOB

  • Do It

    Just go for what you really want to achieve and don't let anything block you. It may take longer if you do not have the Capital to invest immediately but you must never every Give Up on your dreams. By sticking to your goals, you attract those who will really want to pay for what you accomplished for yourself.

Course curriculum

    1. What you will Learn

    1. Why Master the Law of Attraction

    2. Why Master the Law of Attraction

    1. Common Misconceptions

    2. Common Misconceptions

    1. What you focus on Expands

    2. What you Focus on Expands

    1. Focus on what you want

    2. Focus on What you Want

    1. How to find what you want

    2. How to find What You Want

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Course Price

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